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Our goal is to destigmatize the counselling, healing, and therapy process by empowering your journey to self-discovery and evolution.
We empower you with our holistic approach to mind, body, and spirit that equips you with the tools necessary to heal yourself, break free from challenges and create who you want to become.
Mainstream Therapy is built in congruence with the four-pillar values transparency, integrity, love, and growth. Everything we do with clients, ourselves, and each other is in alignment with these values.
We speak and honor truth with ourselves and each other. We thrive to be authentic and genuine at everything we do, and we expect the same from you; to celebrate who you are.
We are in harmony with the common goals of our mission. We take care of ourselves before we share ourselves with each other. We honor our alliance with each other working towards the greater good of Mainstream Therapy, it’s clients, its staff, and its partners.
We understand and recognize the value and worth in others. We incorporate empathy in all we do, thrive to understand the emotional states of others on a cellular level and provide total and complete allowance for another living being to be who they are.
We believe that we are all an ever-changing wheel in constant need of growth. We take ownership of ourselves emotionally, intellectually, and behaviourally, and empower you to do the same. We believe that we are not defined by the lines and words that stand before us today, and we will work with you to find your path to self-healing and growth.
Live your best life
We are complex creatures, each and every one of us is unique. Our approach to therapy is therefore multi-faceted, enriched with training in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Mainstream modalities, and our own personal growth.
We take a creative and critical thinking perspective to problem solving, guiding you to find the answers within and heal yourselves. Our approach is authentic and empathetic. These are traits that have always come natural to us, and we pursued this vocation because of our inherent drive to help people.
Your journey is your journey. We are a neutral party and active participant. Together we will set goals, achieve them and get the most out of the life you want.

Individualized Approach



